Source code for dicetables.eventsbases.integerevents

The abstract class for sets of events that can be represented by integers.
from typing import Dict

from dicetables.eventsbases.eventerrors import InvalidEventsError

class EventsVerifier(object):

    def verify_get_dict(self, events_dict):

        :param events_dict: IntegerEvents.get_dict()
        :raises: InvalidEventsError
        if not events_dict:
            raise InvalidEventsError('events may not be empty. a good alternative is the identity - {0: 1}.')
        if not self.is_all_ints(events_dict.keys()) or not self.is_all_ints(events_dict.values()):
            raise InvalidEventsError('all values must be ints')
        if any(occurrence <= 0 for occurrence in events_dict.values()):
            raise InvalidEventsError('no negative or zero occurrences in Events.get_dict()')

    def is_all_ints(iterable):
        return all(isinstance(value, int) for value in iterable)

[docs]class IntegerEvents(object): def __init__(self): super(IntegerEvents, self).__init__() EventsVerifier().verify_get_dict(self.get_dict()) def get_dict(self) -> Dict[int, int]: """ :return: {event: occurrences} """ raise NotImplementedError(('get_dict() must return a dictionary\n' '{event: occurrences, ...} event=int, occurrence=int>0.')) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self.get_dict() == other.get_dict() def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other