
class dicetables.parser.Parser(ignore_case: bool = False, checker: = < object>)[source]
__init__(ignore_case: bool = False, checker: = < object>)[source]
  • ignore_case – False: Can the parser ignore case on die names and kwargs.

  • How limits will be enforced for parsing. This defaults to a limit checker that does not check limits.

The Parser object converts strings into dice objects.

>>> import dicetables as dt
>>> new_die = dt.Parser().parse_die('Die(6)')
>>> new_die == dt.Die(6)
>>> dt.Parser().parse_die('ModDie(6, modifier=1)')
ModDie(6, 1)

It can ignore case or not. This applies to dice names and kwarg names. It defaults to ignore_case=False.

>>> dt.Parser().parse_die('die(6)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ParseError: Die class: <die> not recognized by parser.
>>> dt.Parser(ignore_case=True).parse_die('stronGdie(dIE(6), MULTIPLIER=4)')
StrongDie(Die(6), 4)

The Parser can parse all dice in the library: Die, ModDie, WeightedDie, ModWeightedDie, Modifier, StrongDie, Exploding, ExplodingOn and all of the DicePools. It is possible to add other dice to an instance of Parser or make a new class that can parse other dice.

classmethod with_limits(ignore_case: bool = False, max_size: int = 500, max_explosions: int = 10, max_dice: int = 6, max_dice_pools: int = 2)dicetables.parser.Parser[source]

Creates a parser with a functioning limit checker from For explanation of how or why to change max_dice_pool_combinations_per_dict_size, and max_dice_pool_calls, see Parser

  • ignore_case – False: Can the parser ignore case on die names and kwargs.

  • max_size – 500: The maximum allowed die size when parse_die_within_limits

  • max_explosions – 10: The maximum allowed (explosions + len(explodes_on)) when parse_die_within_limits

  • max_dice – 6: The maximum number of dice calls when parse. Ex: StrongDie(Exploding(Die(5), 2), 3) has 3 dice calls.

  • max_dice_pools – 2: The maximum number of allowed dice_pool calls

property param_types
property classes
make_die(call_node: _ast.Call)[source]
make_pool(call_node: _ast.Call)[source]
walk_dice_calls(call_node: _ast.AST) → Iterable[Union[Type[dicetables.eventsbases.protodie.ProtoDie], Type[dicetables.dicepool.DicePool]]][source]
add_class(class_: object)[source]

class – the class you are adding

add_param_type(param_type, creation_method)[source]

Customizing Parser

Parser can only parse very specific types of parameters.

>>> from dicetables.parser import make_int, make_int_dict, make_int_tuple
>>> from typing import Dict, Iterable
>>> from dicetables.eventsbases.protodie import ProtoDie
>>> parser = dt.Parser()
>>> parser.param_types == {int: make_int, Dict[int, int]: make_int_dict, dt.DicePool: parser.make_pool,
...                        ProtoDie: parser.make_die, Iterable[int]: make_int_tuple}

If, for example, you need Parser to know how to parse a string, a list of strings and dictionary of keys=str: values=int, you first need to create functions that can parse the appropriate Nodes. Then you assign the functions to the parser.

First, a very very quick introduction to the Abstract Syntax Tree:

The nodes are derived using the ast module. ast, very briefly, takes a string and parses it into nodes. To see what it does, use ast.dump(ast.parse(<your_string>)). Create and test nodes by using my_node = ast.parse(<your_string>).body[0].value

Note that before py3.8 the elipsis below will be classes “Num” and “Str”. After 3.8 they are “Constant”.

>>> import ast
>>> ast.dump(ast.parse('{1: "a", 2: "b"}'))
"Module(body=[Expr(value=Dict(keys=[...], values=[...]))]...)"
>>> my_list_node = ast.parse('[1, "A"]').body[0].value
>>> ast.dump(my_list_node)
"List(elts=[...], ctx=Load())"

This says that the List node points to its elts:

  • a Num node: value=1

  • a Str node: value=’A’

Now, to my example.

>>> str_value =  ast.Str(s="abd")
>>> str_value.s
>>> str_list = ast.List(elts=[ast.Str(s='a'), ast.Str(s='b'), ast.Str(s='c')])
>>> str_int_dict = ast.parse("{'a': 2, 'b': 10}").body[0].value

and here are conversion methods.

>>> from dicetables.parser import make_int
>>> def make_str(str_node):
...     return str_node.s
>>> make_str(str_value)
>>> def make_str_list(lst_node):
...     return [make_str(node) for node in lst_node.elts]
>>> make_str_list(str_list)
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> def make_str_int_dict(dict_node):
...     keys = [make_str(node) for node in dict_node.keys]
...     values = [make_int(node) for node in dict_node.values]
...     return dict(zip(keys, values))
>>> make_str_int_dict(str_int_dict) == {'a': 2, 'b': 10}

Now you tell the parser that a key of your choice corresponds to the method. Notice that we are specifically setting the typing to List and not Iterable. If we also want to be able to handle Iterable[str], we will need to explicitly add that. Our use-case takes a list and copies it. That requires a List. But the case where we just need an iterable would be different.

>>> from typing import List
>>> parser = dt.Parser()
>>> parser.add_param_type(str, make_str)
>>> parser.add_param_type(List[str], make_str_list)
>>> parser.add_param_type(Dict[str, int], make_str_int_dict)

To add a new dice class to the parser, give the parser the class and a tuple of the param_types keys for each parameter. The parser will assume you’re adding a class with an __init__ function and will try to auto_detect kwargs. You can disable this and add your own kwargs (or not).

To add a new dice class to the parser, you must use type hints. The parser uses the annotations in the __init__ to parse a die

>>> class NamedDie(dt.Die):
...     def __init__(self, name: str, buddys_names: List[str], stats: Dict[str, int], size: int):
... = name
...         self.best_buds = buddys_names[:]
...         self.stats = stats.copy()
...         super(NamedDie, self).__init__(size)
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         return (super(NamedDie, self).__eq__(other) and
...        == and
...                 self.best_buds == other.best_buds and
...                 self.stats == other.stats)
>>> parser.add_class(NamedDie)
>>> die_str = 'NamedDie("Tom", ["Dick", "Harry"], stats={"friends": 2, "coolness_factor": 10}, size=4)'
>>> die = NamedDie('Tom', ['Dick', 'Harry'], {'friends': 2, 'coolness_factor': 10}, 4)
>>> parser.parse_die(die_str) == die

You can make a new parser class instead of a specific instance of Parser.

>>> class MyParser(dt.Parser):
...     def __init__(self, ignore_case=False):
...         super(MyParser, self).__init__(ignore_case)
...         self.add_param_type(str, make_str)
...         self.add_param_type(List[str], make_str_list)
...         self.add_param_type(Dict[str, int], make_str_int_dict)
...         self.add_class(NamedDie)
>>> die_str = 'NamedDie("Tom", ["Dick", "Harry"], {"friends": 2, "coolness_factor": 10}, 4)'
>>> t_d_and_h_4_eva = NamedDie('Tom', ['Dick', 'Harry'], {'friends': 2, 'coolness_factor': 10}, 4)
>>> MyParser().parse_die(die_str) == t_d_and_h_4_eva
>>> upper_lower_who_cares = 'nAmeDdIE("Tom", ["Dick", "Harry"], stats={"friends": 2, "coolness_factor": 10}, size=4)'
>>> MyParser(ignore_case=True).parse_die(upper_lower_who_cares) == t_d_and_h_4_eva

Limiting Max Values

A parser is instantiated with a

abstract assert_numbers_of_calls_within_limits(die_classes: Iterable[Union[Type[dicetables.eventsbases.protodie.ProtoDie], Type[dicetables.dicepool.DicePool]]]) → None[source]

asserts that the number of dicetables.ProtoDie calls and the number of dicetables.dicepool.DicePool calls are within limits.



abstract assert_die_size_within_limits(bound_args: inspect.BoundArguments) → None[source]

Checks the bound arguments for the size of the die and asserts they are within limits.

This typically uses to determine what is a argument.



abstract assert_explosions_within_limits(bound_args: inspect.BoundArguments) → None[source]

Asserts that the number of explosions on an dicetables.Exploding or an dicetables.ExplodingOn has a number of explosions withing limits.

This typically uses to determine what is a and a argument.



abstract assert_dice_pool_within_limits(bound_args: inspect.BoundArguments) → None[source]

asserts that the size of a dice pool is within limits. Dice pools can be very expensive to calculate. see:


This typically uses to determine what is a argument.



The default limit checker is a NoOpLimitChecker which does not check limits. If you use the factory function, Parser.with_limits(), you will create a parser that uses a

The size is limited according to the die_size parameter or the max value of the dictionary_input parameter. The explosions is limited according to explosions parameter and the len of the explodes_on parameter. The number of nested dice is limited according to how many times the parser has to make a die while creating the die. StrongDie(Exploding(Die(4)), 3) has three calls.

The number of nested dice is calculated according to how many times Parser.make_die() is called. In order to check the size and explosions, the parser must know what parameter name is assigned to values that control size and explosions. It recognizes the following kwarg names:

  • ‘die_size’

  • ‘dictionary_input’

  • ‘explosions’

  • ‘explodes_on’

  • ‘input_die’

  • ‘pool_size’

If you make a die that doesn’t use these key-word arguments, the parser will have no way to check limits for you and will simply parse the die string.


>>> parser = dt.Parser.with_limits()
>>> parser.parse_die('Die(500)')
>>> parser.parse_die('Die(501)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: Max die_size: 500
>>> stupid = 'StrongDie(' * 20 + 'Die(5)' + ', 2)' * 20
>>> parser.parse_die(stupid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: Limits exceeded. Max dice calls: 6.
>>> class NewDie(dt.Die):
...    def __init__(self, funky_new_die_size: int = 6):
...        super(NewDie, self).__init__(funky_new_die_size)
...    def __repr__(self):
...        return 'NewDie({})'.format(self.get_size())
>>> parser = dt.Parser.with_limits()
>>> parser.add_class(NewDie)
>>> parser.parse_die('NewDie(5000)')
>>> parser.parse_die('Die(5000)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: Limits exceeded. Max dice calls: 6.

In order to make sure your new and exciting key-word gets checked, you’ll need to subclass the Limit Checker

>>> from import LimitChecker, LimitsError
>>> from inspect import BoundArguments
>>> def get_new_size_args(bound_args):
...     return bound_args.arguments.get("funky_new_die_size")
>>> class MyChecker(LimitChecker):
...     def assert_die_size_within_limits(self, bound_args: BoundArguments) -> None:
...         super(MyChecker, self).assert_die_size_within_limits(bound_args)
...         new_size_arg = get_new_size_args(bound_args)
...         if new_size_arg and new_size_arg > self.max_size:
...             raise LimitsError("your funky new die size is too funky fresh for this parser")
>>> new_parser = dt.Parser(checker=MyChecker())
>>> new_parser.add_class(NewDie)
>>> new_parser.parse_die('NewDie(5000)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: your funky new die size ...
>>> new_parser.parse_die('Die(5000)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: Limits exceeded. Max dice calls: 6.

Limits and DicePool Objects

DicePool can take a surprisingly long time to calculate. See the Dice Pools for a proper explanation. Suffice it to say that the limits on any DicePool can be determined by len(input_die.get_dict()) and pool_size. The parser uses a dictionary of {max_dict_len: max_unique_combination_keys} at Parser().max_dice_pool_combinations_per_dict_size. This is determined from the input_die using,, pool_size)(). The current dictionary was determined using the extremely scientific approach of “trying different things and seeing how long they took”. This is likely going to be different with whatever computer you will be using. That’s why this a public variable.

The other variable is Parser.with_limits().checker.max_dice_pools, currently set to “2”. This is separate from max_nested_dice. This checks the number of calls to construct a Dicepool The sheer unreadability of nested dice pools does beg the question of why you would ever want to do this.

>>> parser = dt.Parser.with_limits(max_dice=4)
>>> two_pools_three_dice = 'BestOfDicePool(DicePool(StrongDie(WorstOfDicePool(DicePool(Die(2), 3), 2), 2), 3), 2)'
>>> parser.parse_die(two_pools_three_dice)
BestOfDicePool(DicePool(StrongDie(WorstOfDicePool(DicePool(Die(2), 3), 2), 2), 3), 2)
>>> three_pools = 'BestOfDicePool(DicePool(BestOfDicePool(DicePool(WorstOfDicePool(DicePool(Die(2), 3), 2), 3), 2), 4), 3)'
>>> parser.parse_die(three_pools)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: "Limits exceeded. Max dice calls: 4. Max dice pool calls: 2 ...
>>> five_dice = 'BestOfDicePool(DicePool(StrongDie(StrongDie(StrongDie(Die(2), 2), 2), 2), 2), 2)'
>>> parser.parse_die(five_dice)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
LimitsError: "Limits exceeded. Max dice calls: 4. Max dice pool calls: 2 ...

With the current limits in place, an implementation of a dice pool could take up to 0.5s. If five calls were allowed, that would be 2.5s to parse a single die. It is hard to imagine any practical reason to use more than one pool. BestOfDicePool(DicePool(WorstOfDicePool(DicePool(Die(6), 4), 3), 2), 1) would mean: “Roll 4D6 and take the worst three. Do that twice and take the best one”. If the current limit of two feels too limiting, change it.